Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where's the Good Samaritan when you really need him?

President Obama prepares to take his case for healthcare reform before the joint houses of Congress on Wednesday. As someone who firmly supported his candidacy, I just signed the petition at and added the following statement of my own:

I cannot tell you, Mr. President, how tired I am that even one citizen of the U.S. might die of an illness she or he cannot afford to combat while those of you in Washington--whom we elect to act on our behalf and for our benefit--dither and malinger over this "debate" about healthcare reform (all at the same time none of you must give it even a second thought whether you and your families might ever suffer the same fate). To my mind, there's nothing to debate.

It's one of the clearest moral questions this nation has ever faced: Do we, or do we not, treat one another as we would be treated! The privileged men and women of Congress have the mortal fate of millions of their constituents in their hands, and they wonder how we can afford to pay for healthcare reform? I see this line of thought as a distraction from the true question; namely, how can we NOT afford to care for our neighbor in need? The Good Samaritan did not debate with himself when he brought the injured person to the inn. He took out his purse and paid for the other's care. So should we now. And question no more whether we did the right thing or not.

In case you might be interested in signing some of the other petitions I have, here are seven possibilities:


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Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Do unto . . .". Now, how's that go again?

Here's a link to Greg Sargen't blog, "The Plum Line," where he covers Thursday's letter from leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives to President Obama urging him to continue staunchly in support of "the public option" for healthcare in this country:

Personally, I think it's high time we stepped this so-called debate up a notch! When an NPR commentator asked the other day, "What should the President say as he addresses the joint houses of Congress next week?" I expressed some choice words . . . at the top of my lungs . . . again. Seriously, I think Mr. Obama should call Congress and the nation to task, and none too nicely! If it ever was, this is no longer a "debate;" it's degenerated into the typical name-calling and demogoguery that we know and love as the national circus in Washington, D.C.

To have a debate, there must be a question that needs arguing. But I don't see how any American can sincerely "argue" the morality and principles that undergird the healthcare issue. First, there's the purely moral question of whether any one citizen of this great country—not to mention 47 million of them!—should have NO healthcare coverage at all. Second, and just as importantly, there are the principles of fairness and equality upon which this nation was founded. If any single citizen derives benefit from "the government," how can we deny any other citizen exactly the same rights and benefits? Or, as my sister who works in the healthcare industry says, "Anyone in this country who truly believes that our fellow citizens should not have access to adequate healthcare must be willing to forego her or his own government-funded care programs."

Let's think about that for a minute. NO Medicare, NO Medicaid, NO Social Security, NO Medicare Prescription Drug benefits, NO Veterans Hospitals (or any other of the myriad VA benefits programs), NO Federal Employees Health Benefits program, NO Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), NO federal employee pension plans of any kind, NO Consolidated Health Centers anywhere in the country, NO Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), NO nationally-funded Disability Assistance, NO Unemployment Assistance, NO National Institutes of Health, NO Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), NO "First Responders," NO federal funding to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), NO School Lunches, NO Food Stamps, NO Supplemental Nutrition for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), NO Meals on Wheels, NO Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention programs, NO Federal Employee Vision and Dental Insurance Program (FEDVIP), NO Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP), NO nationally-funded immunization or vaccination programs, NO nationally-funded cancer research programs. And this list doesn't even touch on programs concerning housing, education, agriculture or the environment--none of which is completely independent of impacting healthcare.

Perhaps it's time we ask our congresspeople and senators—especially the Republicans and "conservative" Democrats among them—whether they're really ready to give up THEIR benefits! Perhaps it's time to learn just what federal programs our neighbors, their children, parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends—particularly any of them who aren't ready for the government "to become involved in healthcare"—may themselves take advantage of.

My advice: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hope you'll be watching our President on Wednesday. Let's see whom he says we should "do unto."
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do WHAT to mine enemies?

If you're a "good Christian," I'm sure you know the chapter and verse to which I refer, don't you? Take your pick even: Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27 or 35. Funny! When I read any of these lines, I don't hear one iota of equivocation. And who was it that said these words, again?

In point of fact, no major religious tradition in the world does not hold this prescription as one of its tenets. The Buddha teaches: "Hatreds never cease through hatred . . . through love alone they cease. This is an eternal law" (Dhammapada 3-5). Confucius says: "He whose heart is in the smallest degree set upon Goodness will dislike no one" (Analects 4.3-4). The Tao Te Ching puts it: "I treat those who are good with goodness, and I also treat those who are not good with goodness. Thus, goodness is attained" (49). The Qur'an: "The good and the evil are not alike. Repel the evil deed with the good. And, lo! The one between whom and you there was enmity would become as if a warm friend" (41.34). The Tosefta give us: "Aid an enemy before you aid a friend and you subdue hatred" (Baba Metzia 2.26). And the Ramayana advises: "A superior being does not render evil for evil . . . the ornament of virtuous persons is their conduct. One should never harm the wicked or the good or even criminals meriting death. A noble soul will ever exercise compassion even to one who enjoys injuring others and at the moment that the cruel person commits the vicious acts. For who is without fault?" (Yuddha Kanda 115).
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Admit It! (#1)

Okay, OK! Yes, I am probably the world's worst "blogger." In fact, I've got to put the word in quotation marks because I'm not sure I can even dream of aspiring to the name. It's been six-and-a-half months since I last rattled the keys. Sheesh!

What's wrong with me? There haven't been things happening that I care to comment on? Like, oh! I don't know . . . the whole world sinking into DEEPression, the likes of which I suspect we ain't never seen before? Wall Street, the Bush Administration, Detroit, Iraq, Bernie Madoff, etc., etc. Talk about your STATES of sin! I could go on and on, but most of the rest of the world's already doing that.

Yes, I predict that the Great Depression isn't going to look so "great" when this one's passed, if that ever happens. If we've left one lump of coal, pint of petroleum or tankard-full of natural gas in the ground by the time we're done, I'll be shocked. We're spending our non-renewable sources of energy faster than the mega-banks spent their TARP funds! Do you get what the term "non-renewable" means? It means, folks, that when it's gone there ain't no more! The end! Kaput! Fini! What part of "the party's over" don't you understand?

Ferchrissakes, we're melting the polar ice caps and we take more than a decade to debate whether it can be scientifically proven that it's us doing it or some "natural phenomenon" we've never seen before. As if that makes one iota of difference! Humans haven't been around long enough in terms of geologic time to have seen anything yet. When we're all knee deep in neo-Devonian seas and our feet have begun to devolve into flippers, you think we'll wake up then? I doubt it. As long as our heads aren't underwater, we'll still be blathering on about whether evolution is purely theoretical and no more or less valid a system of ideas than Genesis.
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